Friday, 7 October 2016

28th Libertarian Seminar – 2013 in Prince Albert

28th Libertarian Spring Seminar

Jans Rautenbach Schouwberg

Prince Albert

17 – 20 October 2013                        

 7pm Thursday evening, 17th October. Welcoming dinner at Swartberg Hotel. Dinner at own expense.
Friday 18th October
Saturday 19th October
Sunday 20th October
9- 9.15 Welcome, housekeeping and introduction
9-10 Private time – visit to town market, shops, etc.
9-10 Sound bites (1) Neil Emerick – EFW Feedback. 
audio   slides
(2) Andrew Kenny re-visits the myth of anthropomorphic global warming.
audio  slides
 (3) Colin Bower re-visits the myth of unique suffering
Overflow from previous two days
9.20-10.30 Paul Hjul - Privatization and Nationalization - Two Sides of the Same Unprincipled Coin.
audio   slides
10-10.50 Simon Nicks -  There’s nothing tragic about the Commons
audio   slides
10- 12.30  Formation of SA Libertarian Party 
Enyinnah Nkem-Abonta
Barry de Harde
audio   slides
Trevor Watkins
audio   slides
Inaugural meeting
10.30-11.30  Leon Louw – The importance of being unequal
audio   slides  video
10.50- 11.45 Danielle Roodt – How to clone a Mammoth. A test tube, some genetic material and a super-sized surrogate, and out pops a baby mammoth! Is it that easy …  but should we do it? And how about GMOs?
Winner of the Ria Crafford award for best speaker
11.30-11.50 coffee, tea
11.45-12.10 coffee, tea
11.50- 12.45 Brian Kantor - How much does capital cost the private or publicly owned company in South Africa? A review of the theory and the evidence and why bearing risks of ownership should be borne by volunteer shareholders rather than conscripted citizens.
12.10 – 13.00  Dawie Swanepoel (no relation to Tracey!) – Sexual morality, sexual freedom
audio   notes
12.45-13. 45 Lunch – at Swartberg Hotel
13.00-13.45 Lunch – at Seminar venue
13.45-14.30 Tracey Swanepoel  - Critical factors in running a successful private school,
13.45- 14.30 Andrew Kenny - Animal Rights.
14.30-15.15 Schalk Dormehl - Investment Opportunities in Cryptostan -  the potential of doing business anonymously over the internet.
14.30-15.15 Dawie Roodt  - Demographics and BBBEE – who depends in who in contemporary South Africa?
audio    video

15.15-15.45 tea
15.15 - 15.40  tea

15.45-16.30  SA Bitcoin Exchange
15.40- 16.30 Sue Milton-Dean – An eco-business model for the Karoo

16.30- 17.00 Summary of day’s proceedings
16.35 – 17.15 Rory Kleu – The Need to Feed- doing the maths

17.00 cheese & wine
17.15 – 17.45 Summary of day’s proceedings

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