Wednesday, 5 October 2016

29th Seminar - 2014 - Jeffreys Bay

29th Libertarian Spring Seminar - 2014

Seashells Apartments – Jeffreys Bay
Thursday 9th October 2014 to Sunday 12th October 2014

Friday 10th October 2014

9-10 Frances Kendall - Fast and slow thinking and the Oscar Pistorius trial
Audio                    Presentation

10-11 Ivo Vegter -The tinfoil-hat loonies were right all along
The surveillance state, and the implications of Edward Snowden's revelations.
Audio No Presentation

11.30-12.30 Leon Louw – A libertarian approach to traditional law
Audio                   Presentation

Winner of the highly prized but rarely seen Ria Crafford award for Best Speaker!
15.00-16.00 Andrew Kenny – Chiefs and Traders
My talk will be trying to explain a mystery of morality and economics. Why do so many people believe that it is morally better for an unemployed man to starve to death rather than work for a salary below the prescribed minimum? I believe the answer lies deep in our evolutionary past.
Audio                    Presentation

16.00-17.00 George Werner - Abolishing Government as a social institution, Practical or Utopian?
No audio or presentation.

17.00-18.00 Schalk Dormehl - State of the dark market
Audio                   Presentation

Saturday 11th October 2014

9-10 Gareth De Vaux – The road to anarchy
Audio    No presentation

10-11  Trevor Watkins – Authoritarians
An overview of the book “The Authoritarians” by Bob Altemeyer
Audio           Presentation         Docs

An overview of  “Swarmwise”  by Rick Falkvinge, founder of the Swedish Pirate Party, and its relevance to libertarian ideas.
Audio           Presentation      

11.30-12.30 Ron Weissenberg - Orania – Whitewash, white elephant or white what?
An independent democratic state within South Africa, or an all-white enclave of Afrikaner Calvinism and nationalism? With some Constitutional interpretation and serious use of colour on this patina of possibility , could this model of self-determination be a contender for our citizenship?
Audio           Presentation

16.00-17.00 Stephan Botes – When government operates in fiction
How the de jure government of the united (in lower case) States having been superceded by the de facto Government of the UNITES STATES, an ens legis, a creature of the law, a federal corporation operating in legal fiction and no longer bound by constitutional principles, affects us in South Africa.
Audio       Presentation

17.00-18.00 Garth Zietsman - Liberty and Democracy
Audio        Presentation

Sunday 12th October 2014

9-10 Erik Peers - Going against the grain; is Noakes a Libertarian?
Is free choice in what we eat not one of our most fundamental liberties? The world, including South Africa is in the throes of an unprecedented exponential increase in obesity, and allied chronic diseases. The magnitude of this is set to dwarf AIDS. Is this a failure of government or of the free market?
Audio     No Presentation

 10-11 Prof Pierre Le Roux - Economic growth and Economic freedom
Audio     Presentation

11.30- C Bower – What do people want?
Audio      Presentation

12.00 – C Bower - Punishment - a pointless pursuit
Audio        Presentation

12.15 - C Bower - Reflections on SAPS vs R Barnard
No Audio     Presentation

11.45 E Marais – Dorp van Drome – individual activism that works
Audio       No presentation


 Thursday evening, 9th October  - Informal drinks on the deck or in local pub.
Friday 10th October
Saturday 11th October
Sunday 12th October
9-10 Frances Kendall -  Fast and slow thinking and the Oscar Pistorius trial
9-10 Gareth De Vaux – The road to anarchy
9-10 Erik Peers - Going against the grain;  is Noakes a Libertarian?
10-11 Ivo Vegter -The tinfoil-hat  loonies were right all along
10-11  Trevor Watkins – Authoritarians
10-11 Prof Pierre Le Roux -  Economic growth and Economic freedom
11-11.30 Tea
11-11.30 Tea
11-11.30 Tea
11.30-12.30 Leon Louw – A libertarian approach to traditional law
11.30-12.30 Ron Weissenberg - Orania – Whitewash, white elephant or white what?
11.30- C Bower – What do people want?
11.45 E Marais – Dorp van Drome – individual activism that works
12.00 – C Bower - Punishment - a pointless pursuit
12.15 T Watkins – Pirates and swarms
12.30-16.00 Lunch/leisure
12.30-16.00 Lunch/leisure
13.00-16.00 Lunch/departure
15.00-16.00 Andrew Kenny – Chiefs and Traders
16.00-17.00 George Werner - Abolishing Government as a social institution, Practical or Utopian?
16.00-17.00 Stephan Botes – When government operates in fiction

17.00-18.00 Schalk Dormehl - State of the dark web
17.00-18.00 Garth Zietsman - Liberty and Democracy
19.00 Dinner
19.00 Dinner

Synopses of talks

Date and time
Ron Weissenberg
Orania – Whitewash, white elephant or white what?
 Orania- An independent democratic state within South Africa, or an all-white enclave of Afrikaner Calvinism and nationalism?
With some Constitutional interpretation and serious use of colour on this patina of possibility , could this model of self-determination be a contender for our citizenship?
11.30-12.30 Saturday 11/10/14
Trevor Watkins
An overview of the books “The Authoritarians” by Bob Altemeyer.
Pirates and Swarms
An overview of  “Swarmwise”  by Rick Falkvinge, founder of the Swedish Pirate Party, and its relevance to libertarian ideas.
Saturday 11/10/14

Stephan Botes
When government operates in fiction
How the de jure government of the united (in lower case) States having been superceded by the de facto Government of the UNITES STATES, an ens legis, a creature of the law, a federal corporation operating in legal fiction and no longer bound by constitutional principles, affects us in South Africa.
16.00-17.00 Saturday 11/10/14
Ivo Vegter
The tinfoil hat loonies were right all along
The surveillance state, and the implications of Edward Snowden's revelations.
Andrew Kenny
Chiefs and Traders:  Explaining our Evil Labour Laws
My talk will be trying to explain a mystery of morality and economics.  Why do so many people believe that it is morally better for an unemployed man to starve to death rather than work for a salary below the prescribed minimum?  I believe the answer lies deep in our evolutionary past.
15.00-16.00 Friday
Erik Peers
Going against the grain;  is Noakes a Libertarian?
Is free choice in what we eat not one of our most fundamental liberties?
The world, including South Africa is in the throes of an unprecedented exponential increase in obesity, and allied chronic diseases. The magnitude of this is set to dwarf AIDS.
Is this a failure of government or of the free market?

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