Tuesday, 1 August 2017

32nd Libertarian Seminar - Wakkerstroom 27 to 29 October 2017

 Libertarian Spring Seminar
Wakkerstroom 27-29th October 2017

Friday 27th

Eric Peers: 3B2E+

Clive Coetzee:
The Economic Freedom & Growth Nexus in SA

Garth Zietsman:
The Illusion of Rational Thinking

Gareth de Vaux: Bitcoin

Neil Emerick:
Privacy in the Age of Big Data

Jenny Elstob:
Six month overland trip into Africa
Saturday 28th

Bronwyn Kohler:
Medical Tyranny
Peter Elstob:
Beware Big Food & Big Pharma - update.
Rob Jeffrey:
Pollution, Climate and the real energy sources for SA
Andrew Kenny:
Free Energy is very expensive
Viv Vermaak:
The top 3 reasons for spraying yourself in the face with Doom!
Winner: Ria Crafford award
Sunday 29th

Trevor Watkins:
Consent, Anarchy and Consistency
Gavin Weiman For,
Leon Louw Against, Debate:
Libertariansm is underpinned by jurisprudence that goes beyond and supersedes the consent axiom and the NAP
Debate result: Draw

The registration which includes 3 lunches, teas and coffees is R450 per person.

Leon and I will be hosting all of you who want to come for dinner on Saturday evening. If you want to join us for Saturday dinner please add R50 to your registration i.e. R500 total.

I am organising for us to meet at The Mucky Duck Thursday evening, it is a pub and offers pub meals — I will chat to them re what should be on offer and give you the cost.

Friday evening I plan for us to go to Die Oue Stasie, similar to Mucky Duck with a pub and light meals.

Saturday will be at our place — 266 Uys St.

I will leave Saturday afternoon open for hiking or birding. I can organise a birding guide if anyone wants one. It should be very beautiful that time of the year, though we find it beautiful all year round!

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