Tuesday, 26 November 2024

As a liberal in South Africa

 Trevor Watkins  12/2/2022

As a liberal in South Africa,  the government is not your friend.  They are a cabal of communists and socialists determined to stamp their Soviet model upon the country. They are not from your culture, or your way of thinking.

As a liberal in South Africa,the vast majority of blacks in this country are not your friends.  Most despise and envy you and want your lifestyle and property,  if not your life. Overwhelmingly, they support the ANC which is a cabal of communists and socialists determined to stamp their Soviet model upon the country. They are not from your culture, or your way of thinking.

As a liberal in South Africa, the majority of whites in this country are not your friends.  A significant majority voted for the National Party consistently for 40 years.  They still favour kragdadig solutions to the problems in the country.   They favour the current lockdown, secretly admire the president, and have little or no concern for the freedoms contained in the constitution.

As a liberal in South Africa, the international community are not your friends.  You have already been written off by them  as racist bigots.  You can be murdered in large numbers and they will not raise an objection nor come to your aid.  They will not open their borders to you despite your desperation. 

You are a tiny group of a few thousands with minimal influence on policy even within your local municipality, much less the country as a whole. You can live within the protective bubble that money buys you,  but you are terrified to venture outside it.  Your speech is tightly constrained by self-censorship,  your movements are restricted to safe areas,  your opinions confined to exclusive dinner parties. 

As a liberal in South Africa, what should you do? I suggest the following:

  1. Identify yourself as a liberal.  Find out what the term really means.  Read the great liberal books and authors. Visit the many liberal sites on the web. Test yourself to see if you really are as liberal as you think.

  2.  Join a liberal organisation to record for posterity that you were not one of the compliant ones. There is a wide choice which includes the  Institute of Race Relations,  Free Market Foundation,  Individualist Movement . 

  3. Find and identify your  fellow  liberals.  Get their contact details. Talk to them regularly Perhaps they can come to your aid, perhaps you can help them.

  4. Try to expand the number of liberals in all communities,  by words and actions.  Prepare yourself for abuse and disappointment.

  5. Secure your assets offshore.

  6.  Improve your security. 

  7. Make plans to leave.

  8. Make a will. 



by Trevor Watkins  12/5/2022

Why secession? Why now?

South Africa experienced a collective catharsis in 2018. The nightmare of the Zuma years finally ended, and we discovered to our surprise and horror that the body politic was riddled with cancer and corruption. It is probably on its deathbed. Virtually every state organ is diseased, on the brink of failure. And the witchdoctors in charge keep chanting meaningless spells like EWC, NDR, WMC and RET which only make the patient sicker.

Like angry relatives around a dying patient, South Africans have turned to blaming each other for circumstances beyond their control.  

Because they constitute a majority of warm bodies within a particular set of boundaries, many blacks believe they are entitled to all of South Africa, to the land, to the wealth, to the power, and to MY life and property. They use their control of the government to enforce discriminatory legislation, to extract punitive taxes, to deploy cadres to all levels of the state. 

Many minority groups, particularly whites and coloureds, do not feel in control of their own destiny. They are scared by the blatant hate-speech, the endless claims of racism,  the ongoing and unpunished acts of violence. They do not see a safe or prosperous future in a country dominated by socialists and communists.

When minorities in other countries are faced with similar circumstances, they often turn to secession from the oppressing state as a solution. Examples include South Sudan, East Timor, Kosovo, Montenegro, Catalonia. Geographically and historically the Cape Province is well suited to secede from the South African state.

The proliferation of groups advocating secession in the Western Cape, and their increasing levels of popular support,  indicates this is an idea whose time is coming. The challenge will be to focus this developing energy on the ultimate goal, while avoiding petty turf wars amongst the various advocates. 

This paper is issued by the Individualist Movement as a contribution towards this process. We also plan to bring the various secession groups together in a conference to be held in the Cape in March 2019. We see ourselves as an honest broker amongst the various secession groups, while having no preference for any specific one.

Secession options

  • political - win political control of the Western Cape. 

  • Prior occupation claim

  • legal - invoke the secession options in the constitution, as the Orania Movement has done.

  • military - organise a coup d’etat by an armed insurgency.

  • commercial - buy a property as a commercial venture and secede

  • stealth - takeover small municipalities and implement a secession agenda which others may copy

Secession issues


  1. All secession options will be vigorously opposed by the existing unitary state, up to and including military intervention. How would this opposition be managed?

  2. What would be the nature of a secession government? Would it be a unitary state, a federation, a confederation? A cluster of independent states? 

  3. Would it be bound by a constitution? Who will draw up such a constitution? What will be the fundamental principles of a constitution? Will these principles be agreed in advance of secession?  Would it be subject to referendum? Who would be eligible to vote?

  4. How will citizens of the new state(s) be defined and identified? Are all existing residents qualified as citizens, even if they are defined as foreigners by the previous state? Will immigration restrictions be imposed? 

  5. What will become of citizens who do not support secession? Will they be forced to participate against their will? Will they need to relocate? 

  6. How would a seceded state be financed? Would taxation be imposed? At what level? Will it be collected by force?

  7. What would be the currency? How would it be backed? Who will issue it? Under what restrictions?

  8. Who will control the assets of the former state? The leaders of the secession movement? The winners of an election? Will these assets be distributed amongst all citizens?

  9. Will existing rights to property and title deeds be recognised? What about land owned by the former state? 

  10. Despite the current economic challenges, most Cape residents are reasonably comfortable, secure and unmotivated towards change. There is no real threat of widespread persecution and violence. Unlike other secession movements, there is very little history of disadvantage for the advocates of secession. How do you convince the existing Cape citizens that secession is a better option?

  11. Who will be responsible for the maintenance of existing infrastructure? The leaders of the secession movement? The winners of an election? Will infrastructure be privatised?  How would it be sold off?

  12. Who will take responsibility for defence? This will probably be an urgent priority. How will it be funded? Will conscription be imposed? 

  13. The great question is: How do you ensure that a new seceded government does not repeat all the failings and shortcomings of the previous government? How do you avoid making the lives of citizens worse rather than better?

Political - win political control of the Western Cape. 

  1. The DA has largely accomplished this, but has no secession ambitions. As with most political parties, this position may change if secession gains widespread local support.

  2. Existing secession parties have limited support and infrastructure. Mounting a large political campaign will require huge amounts of money, effort and infrastructure development, with only a limited prospect of success against established parties, at infrequent elections.

  3. Even if a political campaign is successful and a majority of Cape voters support secession, it will still represent a fraction of eligible voters and residents. Many people will not be interested in a secession option, preferring the benefits they currently receive from central and provincial government. Imposing a secession option on reluctant citizens is a recipe for disaster.

Prior occupation claim. 

  1. The Sovereign State of Good Hope organisation base their claim to Cape secession on the basis of prior occupation of the territory by the Khoi-San. Since the Khoi-San did not practice individual property rights, this claim would be very hard to prove.

  2. Prior occupation claims open up a hornet’s nest of competing claims which are poorly substantiated by the historic record.

  3. The reality is that a reasonably sophisticated property identification and ownership system is already in place, and any usurping of this system would create strong resistance and resentment.

Legal - invoke the secession options in the SA constitution, as the Orania Movement has done.

  1. The Orania Beweging is the most successful example of a secession strategy in South Africa. Under their founder Carel Boshoff, they went the strictly legal route, invoking the secession clause for defined cultural groups, purchasing private land on the banks of the Orange river, and being careful to maintain friendly relations with the South African state (Nelson Mandela visited Orania, and had tea with Betsy Verwoerd). They are now a thriving community of around 5,000 people, self sufficient, safe and satisfied. They have implemented their own currency, maintain their own infrastructure, and control immigration. They also constitute little or no threat to the SA state.

  2. The reality is that the existing South African state is unlikely to entertain a similar legal claim for a territory the size and value of the Western Cape. Any attempts would involve massive legal costs, endless delays, and almost no probability of success, despite the terms of the constitution. 

  3. Nevertheless, the secession clauses in the constitution provide a strong moral basis for any secession attempt, and for possible future recognition by foreign states. 

Military - organise a coup d’etat by an armed insurgency.

  1. There is no existing military infrastructure in the Western Cape capable of a successful insurgency. Such attempts would be doomed to disaster, bloodshed and recriminations.

  2. An armed insurgency would almost certainly lead to a military dictatorship. This pattern has been repeated all over the world.

A different approach - secession by stealth

We believe that the stealth approach is the  best chance for secession in the Cape in the near future. With this approach existing small and homogeneous communities would be targeted for local secession.  Examples include Hartenbos, Prince Albert,  Hout Bay, Morgans Bay and many others.

A precedent for this approach is the New Hampshire movement in the United States where up to 20,000 libertarians have relocated to the small New Hampshire state with the intention of dominating the electoral process in that State.


  1. This is not an all-or-nothing approach. It is non-confrontational. It does not require major resources. 

  2. It appeals directly to a limited number of people in a small geographic area. It will allow for local discussion, involvement and buy-in. 

  3. Each approach can be radically different in each area. Each of the several secession organisations could test their approach with their members, without forcing other organisations to toe their line. 

  4. Mistakes can be learnt from and corrected without threatening the entire secession plan. It is not a one-size-fits-all approach.

  5. Those local secession initiatives which are successful will have a very strong demonstration effect on other districts and communities. They may grow in size as property owners on their borders opt-in. 


  1. The Individualist Movement believes that a fundamental and non-negotiable set of principles must be explicitly stated and adopted by secession advocates at a constitutional convention, like the American founding fathers adopted the Bill of Rights, like the Bill of Rights in the South African constitution.  Individuals considering support for secession must be assured that their rights will be protected in any future dispensation. We recommend the Individualist Manifesto as the basis of a Bill of Rights.

  2. Evaluate potential communities across the Western Cape.

  1.  look for characteristics such as homogeneous population groups,  limited or zero poverty,  reasonable infrastructure,  openness to change

  2. access to resources such as water, power, transport, financing, housing,  infrastructure, income opportunities, internet access, defensibility.

  3.  rank communities according to suitability

  1. Conduct surveys in top-ranked communities to assess the support for a secession proposal in the local community.  Undertake marketing for the secession proposal. Recruit a local committee.

  2. Strategies

    1. Political: Take over the local municipality. Persuade existing councillors, win by-elections, bring legal challenges to existing council.

    2. Commercial: Buy up contiguous tracts of land as a property developer,  apply for private municipality status (Thesen Island, Crossways), invite shareholders and customers.

    3. Prior claim: Identify property with a strong historic significance (preferably remote and unoccupied). Encourage followers to begin to occupy land. Setup a local committee, hold elections.

  3. Different communities might undertake completely different strategies, based on their philosophy, membership, resources. For example,

    1. Orania has a strong religious and cultural base, restricts membership to people identifying as both Christian and Afrikaans, insists on self reliance.

    2. A Khoi-San community might take a similar cultural approach for the Khoi-San people. Like Orania, this may self limit growth and prosperity.

    3. A free market community might dismantle the municipal infrastructure, privatise local services, eliminate rates and taxes, eliminate social grants, disconnect from the national infrastructure and reduce or eliminate regulations on, health,  zoning, traffic, etc.

    4. A security conscious community might secure the entrances and exits to the town, mine the boundaries, fence the entire land area.

    5. A business oriented community might recruit service industries to the town,  offer highly advantageous concessions and tax breaks, relax finance and banking regulations.

    6. An ecologically friendly community might encourage natural farming techniques, actively limit carbon usage, restrict use of plastics, etc.

  4. Some communities might flourish, attract many immigrants, grow continuously by border conversion (property owners on community boundary can elect to opt-in).  Others might find their founding principles are unpopular or unworkable or not economically sustainable. Most communities would probably be a mix of all these strategies.

Next steps

The Individualist Movement suggests that all organisations with an interest in secession get together in the near future, to:

  • communicate, resolve differences, look for common interests

  • cooperate rather than compete

  • begin to  resolve common issues and problems facing secession

  • compare and contrast strategies

  • consider sharing resources - internet expertise, secession research, poll data

  • Develop a viable secession plan for the Western Cape jointly rather than separately.

We are happy to facilitate such a gathering, conference or convention.  Please let us know if you are interested by contacting Trevor Watkins on base37@gmail.com (083 4411 721).

Ennui and EFFlui

 12 May 2022  Trevor Watkins

Ennui: Listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of interest; boredom.

EFFlui: The plural of effluent, that which flows from the EFF.

I am overcome with ennui. We are drowning in EFFlui. Everywhere you look in South Africa we  repeat the same garbage to each other over and over again. The only way to know what a politician is thinking is to listen to what he denies.  Our state is captured, corrupt, chaotic, and yet nothing can be done and nothing of significance is done.   A tiny majority has seized power and imposes their will on the masses. They will only be dissuaded or removed by force.

The masses don't have a clue.  All  they really know is that they want something for free. We are overrun by the wilfully stupid and the woefully misinformed.

There is no point in writing thoughtful articles, they have no purpose.  There is no point in mobilising support, everyone disagrees with each other. There is no value in exposing the truth since no action will be taken. 

Our system is so broken but nobody with power has the will to fix it. 

Our leaders write the most appalling rubbish into election manifestos, while half our population lives in conditions of mediaeval poverty. 

We are owned by history.  The Dreadful Vengeance of Marx shall consume us all. 

What is the point of trying?  Most initiatives fail.  The  good  guys hardly ever win. 

I'm tired of Africa. I'm tired of Africans. I'm tired of endless shouts of racism, endless outrage, endless bullshit. I'm tired of the poor. What's so important about them anyway? They contribute very little.

I like Jordan Peterson’s message. Take responsibility for yourself. Stop being a victim. Stand up straight. Pick up your stuff.  Not exactly a message that resonates with our 17 million people receiving state grants.

When people trapped in a hole persist in digging, then the consequences are inevitable. Sooner or later the sides will collapse, and all will be lost. At least the hole and its diggers will be filled in.

Is the left half right?

 The left–right political spectrum is a system of classifying political positions which originated during the French Revolution based on the seating in the French National Assembly.

The “left” values social equality, diversity and inclusion while the “right” values respect, the rule of law, and individual rights. If USA politics is anything to go by, these positions are diametrically opposed and irreconcilable. Economically the left is socialist, the right capitalist. The left favours “big” government, widespread regulation, and community. The right prefers limited government, reduced regulations, and individual rights. Who is right? What is left? Which position aligns closest with  individualism?

Both sides believe their approach is best for humanity. Both sides believe in the same freedoms - of the individual, of speech, of religion. Both sides deplore violence, theft, cruelty, fraud, racism. Both sides believe in the inherent goodness in human nature. 

The left favours kindness and empathy, the right favours justice and duty. Nevertheless most western states flip-flop between left and right governments every 4 to 8 years, yet appear to prosper under both. What can these ideologies learn from each other?

Internationalism vs Nationalism

The left favours internationalism. Internationalists believe that humans should ignore national, political, cultural, racial, or class boundaries to advance their common interests. They favour free trade, the elimination of borders, free and unfettered travel for individuals.

The right favours nationalism. Nationalists hold that the nation should be congruent with the state.  It regards the individual as subordinate to  the state, which is the only rightful source of political power. It is antithetical to individual rights.

Score 1 for the left

Equity vs equality 

The modern progressive left has embraced equality of outcome as an alternative to equality of opportunity. Equity seeks to identify victims and ensure fairness in treatment. Equity is essentially impossible, but provides endless opportunities for well-meaning busybodies to interfere in the affairs of others.

Equality treats all individuals equally, despite their differences. It believes in equal opportunities for all on a level playing field.

Score 1 for the right.

Identity vs individuality

Identity politics is based on a particular identity, such as ethnicity, race, nationality, religion, denomination, gender, sexual orientation, social background, caste, and social class.

It reached a peak under the apartheid regime in South Africa. It seeks to separate people into groups using immutable characteristics. It is a nonsense.

Individuality treats  each unique  individual equally, without special harm or favour. It does not make or enforce arbitrary distinctions between people. It is the polar opposite of identity politics. Unfortunately many countries still enforce identity discrimination, not least the current South African government.

Score 1 for the right.

Community vs individual

Left-wingers claim that human development flourishes when individuals engage in cooperative, mutually respectful relations where excessive differences in status, power, and wealth are eliminated. They reject competition as aggressive and unfair. They believe in regulation of the market. They favour progressive taxation as a means to level the playing field.

Right-wingers believe that human potential flourishes with freedom and competition. They reject excessive state interference, reward differences and innovation, and believe that wealth is a measure of success. They favour minimum or zero taxation. They believe in free markets.

The economic results speak for themselves, with many leftwing jurisdictions mired in poverty.

Score 1 for the right.

Right to life

The left believes in the individual’s right to their own life and lifestyle. They believe you have an inalienable right to your own life, and to your own death. You decide what goes into your body, for better or worse.  Like men, women alone are responsible for their own bodies. While a foetus is a part of a woman's body, she decides how it will be handled. 

The right believes that you share ownership of your body with the state, with religious authorities, with politicians, experts and fanatics.  They believe they can conscript you, send you to war, decide what to inject into you, execute you, and decide the fate of a foetus still within you.

Score 1 for the left


By this analysis, the leftist positions are 40% reasonable, while the right wins at 60%. Of course it is not that simple. Hopefully this essay will give both sides some pause for thought.

An individualist perspective

I am an individualist. I consider myself above the tawdry issues of the left and right. Literally. Like the Nolan chart, libertarian/individualist values appear at the top of the chart, with left and right values in the middle, and authoritarian values at the bottom. Fundamental individualist issues such as harm and consent do not appear in the left-right calculus. The left sees the individual as a subordinate member of a community, while the right views the individual as merely a cog in a state powered machine.

People versus Power

 Humanity is  subject to two great imperatives - the power of love, and the love of power. These are the bookends of our brief earthly existence. This essay explores the nature of power.

Power has many manifestations but  always the same motive - to ensure the will of the powerful prevails. The quest for power is the energy that drives society, but often threatens to destroy it. History is shaped by powerful men, but rarely improved by them. To navigate the treacherous waters of our existence it is important to understand the forces that shape the river in which we float.


The contest for political power is the predominant narrative in the “democratic” west, and in many semi-democratic countries elsewhere. Every 4 years or so these countries hold a hotly contested beauty contest  in which the powerless hordes cast a mostly meaningless vote. Thereafter a small number of power-hungry individuals and groups enjoy a fleeting mantle of legitimacy, until the next charade. Having once gained power, no matter how slim the majority, the winners can (and often do) behave as badly as any tyrant victorious in a war.

Taxation is state sanctioned theft. The state derives its power from taxation. Politicians derive their power from the state. 

Once in power the victors quickly claim the spoils, through corruption, special privileges, nepotism, and so forth. Regulations to favour cronies are passed. Opponents are victimised and prosecuted, Programs favouring the politicians’ particular worldview get implemented. Spending is lavish, moderation despised. And that’s just in the USA, the “home” of democracy.

Political power is wielded by politicians, one of the most despised professions. The only requirement to be a politician is an ability to lie convincingly in public. There are usually no other qualifications required. They may be judged on their record, but the harm is usually done by then.

As  P.J. O’Rourke said, giving money and power to politicians is like giving whiskey and carkeys to teenagers.


Bureaucrats are the unelected minions of the political class, rude, arrogant and ignorant. They are as hard to eradicate as cockroaches, and as useful. Their job is to apply the reams of rules and regulations excreted by senates and parliaments. They make individual lives a misery, applying the letter of the law to minor infractions, destroying enterprise, above question and beyond recall. Almost all their jobs could be done better privately, including important ones like policing and nursing.


Ambitious individuals too intelligent for politics go into finance. The rewards are better, and the ethics less disturbing. Money is power. Everything has a price if you have the means. The power of money arises from greed rather than violence. Surprisingly, it turns out that you can bend people to your will by giving them stuff, as opposed to taking it from them, while making a profit.  While politicians provide the illusion of choice, businessmen actually offer individual consumers a choice, however constrained. And they rely on persuasion rather than force to do this, in a free market.

Stupid people are happy to be told what to do by politicians. Smarter people spend their money to give themselves choices. The smartest people take your  money to avoid having to make choices.

It is widely agreed that the real power in the modern world resides with the banks and investment companies like Black Rock and Vanguard. National governments are beholden to these companies for re-election funding, investment, survival.  

Some billionaires use their funds to influence local politics, like George Soros. And some just seem to come from a different planet, or hope to get to one. 


Faith means not wanting to know what the truth is. Friedrich Nietzsche.


Although their power in the modern world seems to be waning, religions use their power to own both your body and your soul. For 2000 years they have been the seat of both heavenly and worldly power.  They influence the thoughts and behaviour of billions, own vast palaces and real estate, pronounce on all manner of worldly issues, sponsor wars, terrorism and genocide, while serving no obvious useful purpose. Their arrogance is exceeded only by their ignorance. Thank the gods they are optional.

Intellectuals and Professionals

The power of life and death is the ultimate power. Since the decline of tyrants, at least in our western realm, who comes closest to wielding that power nowadays? The scientific experts who proclaim the nature of our world - what we should eat, what we should know, what we should think, what medicines we take, how we travel, how we exist, what gender we should be. Never in history has this protected priestly class wielded such influence over every aspect of the daily life of the masses. These “experts” have brought us Covid, its fatal “cure”, the crazy climate myth, endless wars and their weapons, deadly foods and drinks, universal ill health, trillions in debt, and an absurd woke ideology.

Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts - Richard Feynman


Military power is the most familiar deployment of power. It is also the most honest. Soldiers are very open about the fact that they expect to impose their will upon you by force. No lying words, no appeal to ideologies, no suggestion that this is for your own good. Surrender or die. They expect to be resisted. They expect to inflict harm and suffer losses. Often they are just doing the bidding of some other power broker, obeying evil orders without question, from some misplaced sense of honour and duty.  

The military are more to be pitied than prosecuted.


As Churchill remarked “A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.” 

They have wielded great power in history, from the crusades and witch trials, to starting the first and second world wars. In our current time they advocate and execute hugely destructive policies such as global warming, covid restrictions, animal rights, peak oil, woke policies. They leverage the other forms of power for their supposedly noble and humanitarian causes, oblivious to the harms that result. They claim political support, scientific expertise, huge funding, and armies of misguided supporters. 

“The problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are so certain of themselves, and wiser people are so full of doubts” - Bertrand Russell


One of the most insidious forms of power is persuasion, because it pretends not to be a power. As with all forms of power, persuaders intend to impose their will on others, but not using physical force. Advertisers, women, “nudge“ units, peer pressure, propaganda, all use words and fear and moral posturing to herd us in a desired direction. 

Persuasion often employs appeals to morality, compassion, pity. It is often on behalf of innocent victims, rarely for direct profit. 

When power is not possible, persuasion will be employed.


No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. Friedrich Nietzsche.

What power does an individual exercise? 

Theoretically individuals should have power over themselves, their lives, their property. They should be free to do as they wish while respecting the equal right of others to do the same. Individuals should not expect or desire power over others.

Ultimately, all power is exercised by some individuals over other individuals. How do individuals protect themselves from the power of others?

  1. By running away

  2. By joining a group for protection

  3. By becoming powerful themselves

  4. By agreeing on a contract with other individuals to define and protect their mutual rights

 It is only in the last 250 years that option 4 has arisen as a viable mechanism, in the Bill of Rights of the United States constitution. In this admirable document the terms of agreement are spelt out clearly as a series of amendments. While there are flaws, this document is the best antidote to the many powers listed above. But it is quite long, subject to endless re-interpretation, and often ignored by the power-hungry.  

It is essential that our western civilised society defines its priorities in a straightforward and simple way accessible to the masses. Is the priority safety, defense, growth, or freedom? What can be best understood and defended and implemented? I believe the number one priority must be the freedom of the individual to live life as desired. I have developed a statement of this priority that is short but powerful.  I call it the Harm-Consent Rule (HCR).

Render no harm without consent, except in self-defense

If such a rule can be agreed and enforced, all of the many power plays listed above would have no justification.  No taxation, no conscription, no corruption, no enforcement of expert opinions. 

Individuals must give their consent to anything that may harm them, or it cannot be done.

This  is how we give power to the people.

Issues by ideology

issue left right libertarian abortion woman;s choice life of baby trumps woman’s choice everyone is sovereign, and is sole owner of their bo...