Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Ennui and EFFlui

 12 May 2022  Trevor Watkins

Ennui: Listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of interest; boredom.

EFFlui: The plural of effluent, that which flows from the EFF.

I am overcome with ennui. We are drowning in EFFlui. Everywhere you look in South Africa we  repeat the same garbage to each other over and over again. The only way to know what a politician is thinking is to listen to what he denies.  Our state is captured, corrupt, chaotic, and yet nothing can be done and nothing of significance is done.   A tiny majority has seized power and imposes their will on the masses. They will only be dissuaded or removed by force.

The masses don't have a clue.  All  they really know is that they want something for free. We are overrun by the wilfully stupid and the woefully misinformed.

There is no point in writing thoughtful articles, they have no purpose.  There is no point in mobilising support, everyone disagrees with each other. There is no value in exposing the truth since no action will be taken. 

Our system is so broken but nobody with power has the will to fix it. 

Our leaders write the most appalling rubbish into election manifestos, while half our population lives in conditions of mediaeval poverty. 

We are owned by history.  The Dreadful Vengeance of Marx shall consume us all. 

What is the point of trying?  Most initiatives fail.  The  good  guys hardly ever win. 

I'm tired of Africa. I'm tired of Africans. I'm tired of endless shouts of racism, endless outrage, endless bullshit. I'm tired of the poor. What's so important about them anyway? They contribute very little.

I like Jordan Peterson’s message. Take responsibility for yourself. Stop being a victim. Stand up straight. Pick up your stuff.  Not exactly a message that resonates with our 17 million people receiving state grants.

When people trapped in a hole persist in digging, then the consequences are inevitable. Sooner or later the sides will collapse, and all will be lost. At least the hole and its diggers will be filled in.

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